psychological testing

psychological testing

At River's Edge Counselling Centre, we believe that psychological testing and assessments can be an invaluable piece in the puzzle, providing you the information and clarity needed....

  • to support your child or teenager in their learning and development

  • to meet your goals and succeed in every aspect of your life

  • to connect you to the resources needed to support growth and success

  • to identify inherent strengths and resilience, as well as challenges

We do not believe that psychological testing alone can reveal the whole picture - people are complex, unique and inherently valuable; they cannot be reduced to numbers or codes. But in the journey towards healing and growth, to living one's life fully, and to supporting the growth of your loved ones, testing can be very helpful

some Questions that psychological testing might be helpful in answering...

  • Do I (my child) have a learning disability? What supports could be used in school to support learning or provide accommodations in testing sessions?

  • Do I (my child) have ADHD?

  • Why is my child having difficulty getting along socially with other children of the same age?

  • Is my child gifted?

  • Does my child fall on the autism spectrum?

  • My child is always frustrated at school or at home and I'm looking for some insight into why and what we can do to help?

  • Why can’t my child read?

  • Is my child experiencing anxiety?

  • The doctor would like an assessment to support a further medical referral. Can you do this?

We bring our team approach to testing and assessment to ensure it is as helpful as possible to individuals and families. We listen closely to understand your interest in seeking testing - whether it is self-directed, or recommended by a school, physician, or therapist. We work with you to make sure you are receiving the right testing and assessment process for your needs. Sometimes this is clear at intake and at other times, we might suggest you speak directly with our assessment Psychologist, or meet first with a therapist, to consider the overall goals, strengths, and challenges of the person.

Our team approach also ensures that testing and assessment is closely tied to effective treatment and support for continued growth and development. Our assessment psychologist will consult directly and over time with your therapist, to ensure the information and recommendations of the assessment inform the treatment provided. 

what to expect...

...when you bring your child for psychological testing

Several hours will be booked to complete an assessment.  The time is usually broken into small blocks depending on the age and attention level of the child. Our assessment Psychologist will meet with parents/guardians on the day of the assessment to fill out a detailed developmental history. They may also be asked to complete ratings scales. If behaviour is impacting a child at school, a rating scale may also be sent to a child’s teacher.  It is important to keep in mind that assessment involves gathering and sharing information from the child, as well as parents, caregivers, teachers, and other service providers. 

Following the assessment, a report will be written and within a few weeks, our assessment psychologist will meet with you to go over the results. This meeting is included in the cost of the assessment and will last 1-1.5hrs, depending on the extent of the testing and complexity of the results. The psychologist will also provide you with detailed recommendations to guide in decisions, access resources, and provide direction for next steps in supporting your child. If further follow-up is needed to process the results or recommendations, communicate with a school or other service provider, this can also be arranged. If you are interested in connecting with a therapist on our team to provide treatment and help to implement the recommendations, our assessment psychologist will help you find a good 'fit' and provide consultation to ensure your child and family get the care they need. an adult seeking psychological testing and assessment

Adults may also be interested in questions regarding their own level of functioning.  Assessments can help to answer questions regarding struggles at school, at home, or in employment situations. Testing can also be used as another tool for self discovery and awareness, helping you to appreciate your strengths and make informed decisions regarding vocation, relationships and personal development.

Types of psychological Assessments Provided:

Psychological assessments can be comprehensive or aim to answer a specific referral question regarding diagnostics, strengths and weaknesses, or capacity.  All assessments begin with gathering information from a client or their family.  This includes a developmental history and clinical interview to gather relevant background information.

  • cognitive / intellectual / iq assessments
  • Intellectual testing is an estimate of a person’s intellectual functioning through performance on a variety of tasks designed to test a number of reasoning abilities.  These include verbal problem solving, visual problem solving, ability to solve novel problems, memory, and speed of processing information.  Intellectual assessments are often requested to provide an estimate of learning potential and identify challenges in learning.  It can also be used to identify whether or not a student is gifted.  It can provide information on how students approach problems and can help identify appropriate educational strategies.  Assessment tools include WPPSI (early education students), WISC (children and adolescents), and WAIS (adults).

  • academic / achievement assessments
  • Achievement testing is used to determine a client’s academic skill levels.  This involves testing in reading, writing, math, expressive language, and receptive language.  Individuals are compared to students of the same age level in the norm group and not in relation to the school curriculum.  Students are also compared to their own performance to identify strengths and weaknesses.  Tools include the WIAT, as well as a screener for expressive and receptive language.  Cognitive and academic assessments are required to determine whether or not a student has a learning disability.  Results can be used to provide recommendations for accommodations and / or teaching strategies.

  • adaptive behaviour
  • These tools assess a student’s ability to perform tasks necessary to perform daily living skills, communicate, interact socially with their peers, and demonstrate the skills necessary to be successful in work and school setting.  Improving adaptive functioning is essential in helping an individual to be independent.  Assessment tools include the Vineland Adaptive Scales.

  • social / emotional / behavioural assessments
  • These assessments generally involves gathering information through observations, information provided by the client, and rating scales.  Information often has to be gathered regarding behaviour in a variety of different settings.  Questions may be answered such as the impact that inattention, impulsivity, aggressive, anxious or depressive behaviour, as well as mental health concerns has on a client’s ability to function in different settings.  Assessments can provide important information to determine appropriate diagnoses and develop a treatment plan.  Recommendations are provided to support the client, as well as possible referrals to support functioning in variety of settings. 

  • specialized reading assessment
  • Learning to read is a complex process that involves skill acquisition in a number of different areas including phonological processing, fluency, and comprehension. A specialized reading diagnostic assessment can be administered, along with a measure of cognitive functioning, to pinpoint specific areas a student is struggling with. Specific recommendations can be made based on the assessment to assist in developing reading skills at home and at school.

    Our reading specialist, Rhonda Wizniak, is also available for follow-up sessions to support parents in helping their child to acquire the fundamental skills needed to be a successful reader. 

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  • vocational assessments
  • There are over 36,729 possible careers in North America today, and over 284 academic majors. How can you find the one that is best 'fit' for you? Participating in vocational counselling can help you find a vocation that will bring you a deep sense satisfaction and purpose in life, rather than feeling unhappy and trapped. Career tests have been developed to assist high school and college students, as well as adults, with their education and career planning, by providing comprehensive and accurate assessments of the individual’s vocational and educational interests. Vocational testing with help you save time and money, and give you peace of mind that you are on the 'right track.' Vocational counselling includes: an intake session in which your counsellor gathers information that will assist you in designing your own educational or career pathway, a testing session in which your counsellor administers the vocational test, and a final session which includes the interpretation of your vocational test and recommendations based on the vocational testing. 

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a complex diagnosis that requires a comprehensive evaluation.  It is characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.  All children demonstrate these behaviours to some degree.  However, individuals with ADHD have symptoms that far exceed others their age and significantly impact their ability to function.  These symptoms can impact school performance, daily living, and social functioning.

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  • personality assessments (adolescents and adult)
  • A personality test is a tool used to assess human personality. Personality assessment involves techniques designed to measure the characteristic patterns of traits. Personality tests can be used to help clarify a clinical diagnosis, guide therapeutic interventions, and help predict how people may respond in different situations. There are many reasons that individuals may seek out a personality assessment. These tests can help you learn more about yourself and understand your strengths and challenges. Personality tests can be used to gain insight into yourself or provide information if someone is questioning a diagnosis.

    There are many tools that may be used when considering a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  The primary features of a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder are impairment in reciprocal social interaction and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities which have been present from early childhood (DSM-5-TR).  When considering a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, it is important to gather information from different sources including functioning at home, at school, and in the assessment session.  In adults, part of the assessment process is gathering information about functioning in the early developmental period.

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    To start counselling now:

    River’s Edge Testing & Assessment Therapist

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    Dr. Rhonda Wizniak
    I started my journey into psychology as a kindergarten teacher in a rural setting. After teaching for four years, I became intrigued with learning more about the diverse learning, emotional, and behavioural needs of the students I was working with. Rhonda's Full Bio


    Please inquire for rates for specific assessments. Note that these services are offered by a Registered Psychologist and may be covered in full or part, by some insurance plans. Please check with your provider. We do not bill third parties, but will provide a receipt or submission and reimbursement.

    Cancellation policy: We require a credit card on file to confirm a booking. We will charge your credit card 50% of the assessment fee at intake. If you cancel the assessment at any time between booking and 48 hours prior to the assessment, we will refund your initial payment, less a $200.00 cancellation fee. The remaining 50% of the assessment fee will be charged to your credit card 2 days before the assessment (or the closest business day). Within 48 hours of the appointment, the assessment can be rescheduled in cases of illness or serious unforeseen circumstances, but no refund will be provided if you cancel.

    The summary of our psychological assessment services is available for download here

    resources for Assessments